Boating is on the verge of a big change thanks to new technology and what people want. In the coming years, we can expect some major shifts in the boating world, with innovation and sustainability playing key roles in shaping the industry in unexpected ways.
Autonomous Boats
A groundbreaking trend destined to revolutionise the boating landscape is the integration of autonomous boats. While autonomous cars have dominated headlines, autonomous boats have emerged as a novel concept. As technological sophistication advances, a future marked by boats entirely navigated by computer systems beckons.
This paradigm shift reverberates across boat design and safety protocols. The promise of autonomous boats lies in their capacity for efficient navigation, collision avoidance, and real-time responses to weather dynamics. There are obstacles of technical limitations, and regulatory/legislative changes ahead but the advent of autonomous boats is inevitable. This is a significant moment in boating history and nautical methodology.
Electric Boats
In the next few years, we will see a remarkable paradigm shift with the widespread adoption of electric boats. Considered a niche part of the market until recently, electric boats are no longer limited to smaller vessels. Mainly due to advances in electric battery technology and electric motors now even the largest of boats can be fully electric!
Electric boats will become the “new normal” and will provide serene, eco-friendly boating with low maintenance. In addition, as battery technology advances, so will the functionality of electric boats as well as the proportion will grow as a % of all boats manufactured. Watch out, as electric boats become the norm, and are no longer the exception!
Virtual Reality
We must now mention Virtual Reality (VR). This is not science fiction; it is a potent technology that is set to take the boating industry by storm. As VR technology proliferates and potency of technology grows again like with electric boats, VR will become the “new norm”. The experience of boaters will be transformed forever.
Choose VR as an immersive experience with simulated environments that mirror with reality. This enables boaters to simulate diverse sailing conditions, practice a future sailing journey, explore uncharted territories, and enter VR competitions. Undoubtedly with a major role in sailing education, VR will grip and bring in younger demographics and give a new generation an appreciation of the wonders of the boating lifestyle.